Research questions

Broad: What are the environmental effects of deep-sea mining? How do we mitigate these in the event of commercial deep-sea mining? How do we ensure companies adhere to mitigation measures?

What are the physical processes that govern the behaviour of sediment clouds and plumes produced near deep-sea mining sites?

How can we improve models of how these clouds pollute the water column, both physically and chemically via dissolution?

How can oceanographic and biogeochemical modelling techniques be employed to predict how these environmental stresses will spread in the oceans?

What scientific methods and techniques are viable for real-time monitoring of commercial deep-sea mining?

How do we ensure that companies adhere to self-verification measures and thresholds set by the International Seabed Authority?


2022 – Deep-sea mining: green energy solution or environmental nightmare? UBC Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Graduate Seminar Series.

2022 – Environmental impacts of deep-sea mining. University of British Columbia, Undergraduate seminar-in-science lectures.

2021 – Modelling sediment transport during deep-sea mining. University of Cambridge, BP Institute for multiphase flow, Weekly department seminar.

2021 – (Poster) Modelling sediment transport during deep-sea mining. University of Cambridge, Sedgwick Club Conference.